1. Confirmation of the Contract

Only registered members can use the interva mobile application. A member of interva is deemed to have complied with all the provisions of this agreement from the moment he receives any service using the system.

2. Description of Services

The interva mobile application is a system that enables interva members to carry out their transactions and receive information with them.

3. interva Membership System

The “username” is unique to the member and the same “username” cannot be given to two different members.

The “password” is known only to the user. User can change password whenever wants to. The choice and protection of the password is the sole responsibility of the user. interva is not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of passwords.

interva cannot share user information with third party companies.

In order for the user to use the interva Mobile Application, "Username" and "Password" must be entered.

4. Member's obligations

While the member is using the interva Mobile Application,

The copyright of the services and software provided by interva belongs to interva,

When using interva services, he/she is responsible for his/her personal ideas, thoughts, expressions, and the information he/she adds to the interva application environment and interva cannot be held responsible for this information in any way,

Not to reach the services offered in the interva Application in an unauthorized manner and in a way other than the way specified in the interva Portal and/or interva mobile application,

Not to share messages that are threatening, immoral, racist, contrary to the laws of the Republic of Turkey and international agreements,

The correspondence, subject headings, pseudonyms to be added to the media should be in accordance with the rules of general morality, etiquette and law,

Not to harass or threaten other users,

Not to act in a way that affects other users' use of the service,

Not to publish, print or distribute material or information that is defamatory, infringing, immoral, indecent or illegal to the names of persons or institutions,

Not to advertise, not to sell or offer to sell any goods or services, not to engage in surveys, contests or chain letter activities,

Not to send information or programs that will harm the information or software on other users' computers,

interva has the right to make necessary interventions, remove the member from the service and terminate the membership if he/she violates the rules,

Not to post information that is prohibited by law to be posted and not to distribute unauthorized mail such as chain mail, software virus (etc.),

Not to record or misuse personal information belonging to others,

The member accepts and undertakes that he is personally responsible for all kinds of transactions to be made under the name of 'user', and all the above-mentioned items.

5. Authorizations Granted to interva

interva may temporarily suspend or stop the operation of the system at any time.

interva will not have any responsibility towards its members or third parties due to the temporary suspension or complete suspension of the system.

interva may make changes in the application of this contract, as well as change existing articles or add new articles in order to comply with future technical requirements and legislation.

6. Applicable Provisions

In case of disputes that may arise in relation to this contract, the provisions of this contract will be applied first, and in cases where there is no provision, Turkish Laws (UK, TTK, HUMK, MK etc.) will be applied.

7. Authorized Courts and Enforcement Offices

Ankara Courts and Enforcement Offices will be authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise from the implementation of this contract.

8. Enforcement

This agreement enters into force between the parties indefinitely after the user fills out the registration form and receives service using the system.

9. Termination

interva may terminate this agreement unilaterally at any time.